inspiring movement

Advanced Ballet 1 & 2: thin strap black leotard, ballet pink tights, nude/pink ballet slipper with NO holes
- Long sleeved black leotard,
- ballet pink tights,
- nude/pink ballet slippers with NO holes.
- Long sleeved black leotard,
- ballet pink tights,
- nude/pink ballet slippers with NO holes.
- thin strap black leotard,
- ballet pink tights,
- nude/pink ballet slippers with NO holes.
- plain black leggings
(only for Battle Soldiers, dancers will know)
- male dancers are to have black pants (dress pants look best on stage), ballet slippers (black slippers or black jazz shoes or nude/pink), socks to match slippers, white dress shirt. If male dancer is a mouse, black leggings will be required to wear under costume.
- thin strap black leotard,
- ballet pink tights,
- nude/pink ballet slippers with NO holes.
- plain black leggings
Nutcracker 2022
Nutcracker 2022
Volunteer sign-up sheet is now available in the lobby of the studio.

The Nutcracker cast for 2022 is in the process of being finalized, there has been some updates, changes and additions. Please be sure to know your dancers's class and dances.

Updated Schedules:
Tuesday November 22, 2022
5:30 - 6:00 pm Warm up AB2
5:50 - 6:00 pm Warm up AB1
6:00 - 6:30 pm NPP1, NPP2, AB1, AB2
6:30 - 7:15 pm NPP3, NPP4, AB1, AB2 (Act1 Scene 1&2)
7:15 - 8:00 pm NPP3, NPP4, AB1, AB2 (Act 2 Land of Sweets)
Tuesday November 15, 2022
5:30 - 6:00 pm Warm up AB2
5:50 - 6:00 pmWarm up AB1
6:00 - 6:30 pm NPP1, NPP2, AB1, AB2
(Sheep, Butterflies, Ballerina Dolls, gifts for Clara, Shepherdess, Garlands, Flowers)
6:30 - 6:50 pmNPP3, Clara, Mouse Queen (Battle)
6:50 - 7:00 pmNPP3 (Gingerbread/Candy-canes)
7:00 - 7:30 pmNPP3, NPP4 (Party Scene)
7:30 - 8:20 pmNPP4, AB2
Tuesday November 8, 2022
5:30 - 6:00 pm Clara & Sister, Mouse Queen
6:00 - 6:30 pm NPP1, NPP2, AB1, AB2
6:30 - 7:00 pm NPP3, Clara, Mouse Queen
7:00 - 7:30 pm NPP3, NPP4
7:30 - 8:15 pm NPP4
Tuesday November 1, 2022
5:30 - 6:00 pm NPP2
6:00 - 6:20 pm NPP3 Harlequins and Mischievous Dolls
6:20 - 6:50 pm NPP3 Gingerbread and Candy canes
6:50 - 7:15 pm NPP3 Battle Soldiers, Mice, Clara, Mouse Queen
7:15 - 7:30 pm NPP3, NPP4 Dream
7:30 - 8:30 pm NPP4 Party Guests, Sister, Clara and Arabian